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The School Numeracy Plan

We believe that a school should know what it is doing about developing student numeracy, should know how students are going in developing their numeracy and have development plans in place to improve student numeracy. A planning framework is outlined below and a process for reviewing and developing a school plan is described in an attachment. The framework requires a focus on school mathematics and numeracy across the curriculum.

School Numeracy Planning Framework

What we do at this school

  • Our vision and beliefs about numeracy
  • Our numeracy goals for our students
    For example,
    Enable all students to meet the standards set out in the Mathematics Framework. Provide opportunities for all students to enjoy mathematics and see how it is connected to the world.

  • Our current strategies, programs, projects in numeracy
    For example,
    General teaching and learning program
    At-risk students
    Curriculum planning and renewal
    Working with parents/carers
    Teacher development
    Our current priorities

Student numeracy achievement in this school

Data and analysis

  • ACTAP Results
    By year group
    By gender
    Indigenous students
    Progress over time
    Year by year comparison
    Areas of strength and areas of weakness
    At-risk students
  • School Mathematics Achievement
    For each strand
       By year group
       By gender
       Indigenous students
    Progress over time
    Year by year comparison
    Areas of strength and areas of weakness
    At-risk students

  • Using mathematics in practical situations
    Willingness and confidence to use mathematics in other learning areas
    Capacity to use mathematics in other learning areas
    Areas of weakness and areas of strength

 Student numeracy achievement in this school

Our priority areas for action

The School Numeracy Plan
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Copyright copyright.gif John Hogan 2002.
This document may be copied if it is not included in documents sold at a profit.
Hogan, J (2002) see heading of the page. (On-line).
Available at http://www.redgumconsulting.com.au/num_schoolplan.html

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