Hogan, J. 2000 �Numeracy � across the curriculum?�, The Australian Mathematics Teacher, Vol 56, No 3, August 2000, AAMT |
Hogan, J & Kemp, M. 1999 Planning for an emphasis on numeracy in the curriculum, AAMT, AAMT website, www.aamt.edu.au |
Hogan, J., Jeffery, M. & Willis, S. 1998, 'Whose job?', EQ Australia, 1, Autumn, 48-50. www.curriculum.edu.au/curriculum/eqaust/eq_98/jeffry.htm |
Hogan, J, Jeffery, M, & Willis, S (1998) �Numeracy = School Mathematics� in Educational Review, February, 1998. |
Willis, S. 1998a, Numeracy for the(ir) future: rite or right? Keynote paper. Proceedings of National Conference of the Australian College of Education, What counts in Education? 27-30 September 1998, Canberra, www.austcolled.com.au/act/confpaper/papers.htm |
Willis, S. 1998b, 'Which numeracy?', UNICORN, 24, 2, 32-42. |
Willis, S. 1998c, 'First do no harm: accountability and the numeracy benchmarks', Curriculum Perspectives, 18, 3, 70-77. |
John Hogan 2002. |
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