Redgum Consulting believes in training that:

  • Challenges current practice.
  • Creates a reflective space.
  • Provides ongoing learning opportunities.
  • Uses experiential methods.
  • Informed by research.
  • Related to the primary task of the participants and their group.
  • Explores new ideas.
  • Action oriented.

Current Courses


Leading for Learning � The National Schools Network Leadership Courses (2002)
Developing two levels of leadership courses to be conducted in WA in 2002/2003.

Classroom Relationships (2002)
Running a series of courses at Coodanup Community College training teachers in classroom observation and giving feedback to colleagues.

Previous Courses

IBM Technology in Pre-schools, Japan
Conducted a training video conference with Japanese educators helping them create a training course for preschool teachers in using technology in pre-schools.

IBM Technology in Pre-schools, Bangalore, India
Conducted a training course for 40 teachers and educators from around India in using technology in pre-schools.

Leading for Learning � The National Schools Network Leadership Courses (1999/2001)
Helped develop and deliver 3-day leadership courses for school leaders. Put in place a structure for the future development of leaders for the network. In 2001 three-day courses were run in WA, NSW, and Tasmania.

Action learning training for QTP in WA (2001)
Developed and lead training course in action learning for District Leaders for the QTP project in the Department of Education (WA).  This involved a series of workshops, email support and teleconference throughout the year.

Action Learning Teams (2001)
Leading groups of teachers in three different districts in WA through series of action learning meetings.

Action Learning Training (2001)
Developed and ran a series of workshops on action learning including with Fremantle District Office, Enterprise Vocational Teachers, Armadale SHS, and North Lake Senior Campus.

Numeracy Workshop (2001)
Conducted a one-day workshop on Numeracy Across the Curriculum for teachers in the Albany District.

Family and Community Forum (2001)
In partnership with the ANSN on behalf of the Department of Education WA conducted a 2-day forum to discuss issues related to parent and community involvement and local management of schools with over 80 school, district and central office personnel.

Using Protocols - the New Basics Project, Education Queensland (2000)
Training teachers, with the Australian National Schools Network and for Education Queensland, in using protocols to look at student work and reflect on their own pedagogy. 3-day courses for teachers in Brisbane and Townsville.

Using the LOTE Planning Framework (1999 � 2000)
Designed and delivered training, in collaboration with consultants from Simpson Norris International, to LOTE consultants and LOTE teachers and administrators in ACT, Victoria and Tasmania.

Action Learning Professional Development Project for Secondary LOTE Teachers (2000)
Part of a group of consultants at Murdoch University for secondary LOTE teachers working in the Independent Schools Sector in WA. The project made extensive use of an Action Learning methodology.

Action Learning Professional Development Project for Secondary LOTE Teachers (1998)
Part of a group of consultants at Murdoch University who designed an innovative professional development program for secondary LOTE teachers working for the Education Department of Western Australia. The project made extensive use of an Action Learning methodology.

Leadership and Change Workshop
Conducted a 3-day Leadership and Change Course for teachers at WA National Schools Network Professional Development School in Bridgetown (1998).

Keynote address UQ (2000)
Gave a keynote address for a teacher conference at Ipswich for the University of Queensland.

Paper BERA, Brighton UK (1999)
Delivered a paper at the British Educational Research Association Conference in Brighton in 1999 on �Playing a Role in Educational Change: The struggle to mediate equality when working with developing countries�.

Course for Primary Teachers Mauritius (1998)
Developed a 2-week course for the Institute of Education in Mauritius to deliver to primary teachers.

Keynote address ACT (1997)
Keynote speaker to ACT high school teachers at their professional development days (held in Canberra) in July and October, 1997.

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