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A Numeracy Framework

A framework has been developed in order to:

Describe numeracy and numerate behaviour.

Help identify the numeracy demands of situation.

Help diagnose student numeracy problems in a situation.

Assist a teacher to plan sufficient, appropriate learning situations that require intelligent, practical mathematical action by the student.

Use with the students.


J. Hogan (2000)

A Numeracy Framework

Being numerate within a context involves a blend of three types of:

know how

and three roles
The fluent operator
The learner
The critic

S. Willis and J. Hogan (2002)

The Numeracy Framework Explained


Copyright copyright.gif John Hogan 2002.
This document may be copied if it is not included in documents sold at a profit.
Hogan, J (2002) see heading of the page. (On-line).
Available at http://www.redgumconsulting.com.au/num_framework.html

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