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Rich Interpretations of Using Mathematical Ideas and Techniques (RIUMIT)

The purpose of the project was to promote an informed view of the key competency Using mathematical ideas and techniques (UMIT) to educators in all relevant areas and provide strategies for the effective development of this competency in young people.

As Project Director I worked with a Project Steering Committee and with a Project Contact Person in each State and Territory Mathematics Teacher Associations. Much of the research was conducted by contracting teachers around the country in schools, TAFEs, and VET settings. Two major strategies were used in the project. Firstly consultation which occurred with the AAMT executive and council, existing DEETYA key competency projects (over 30), system mathematics curriculum consultants, VET sector representatives, industry and business representatives, teachers and trainers who were working with the competencies in an explicit way, and representatives of various minority groups. Secondly through research projects which included workplace research, the collection of school and VET examples, the development of a set of social justice principles and questions, an overview of related literature and other key competency projects and a series of research workshops with key stakeholders around the country. During the project the work expanded to include the production of a pamphlet, a video, consultative work with other key competency projects and the development of work stories.

Using Mathematical Ideas and Techniques � the pamphlet

More than plus or minus � the video

More than plus or minus � the report

Stories from the workplace

Teachers doing research in the workplace


Copyright copyright.gif John Hogan 2002.
This document may be copied if it is not included in documents sold at a profit.
Hogan, J (2002) see heading of the page. (On-line).
Available at http://www.redgumconsulting.com.au/num_riumit.html

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